
technofuture8 OP t1_iwjd20r wrote

I want you to read through the other comments here because I posted a link to an interview of the scientist who ran the clinical trial. The hope is these stem cells will literally cure spina bifida and the bowel and bladder problems. They are going to treat 35 babies in total and they'll be watched for 6 years.


technofuture8 OP t1_iwjcqiq wrote

There's a youtube video in the article did you watch it, watch all 4 of them now? Also go through and read through all the comments here because I made other comments, I posted a link to an interview of the scientist who ran the trial in one of my other comments, I suggest you listen to the interview because you'll find the answers you seek.


technofuture8 OP t1_iwhonwt wrote

I think umbilical cord/placenta derived mesenchymal stem cells will revolutionize modern medicine, if only we could get these mesenchymal stem cells into every hospital in the USA, we gotta get the FDA to approve these stem cells!!! Exosomes are pretty revolutionary too.


technofuture8 OP t1_iwho4uu wrote

They used a placenta for the mesenchymal stem cells from a donor. MSCs don't have to be donor matched actually. In fact I could take mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from out of your bone marrow or belly fat and multiply the MSCs in a bio-reactor and then inject them into my body and there would be no immune rejection, I'd be fine.


technofuture8 OP t1_iwhn979 wrote

I guess I thought I'd just throw this out there, but I know of a company that's currently going through a phase 3 trial for severe covid-19 using umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). And if the trial is successful they might be the first company to get approval from the FDA for umbilical cord MSCs. Keep in mind mesenchymal stem cells aren't yet approved by the FDA so whoever can cross that finish line first stands to make a lot of money!!!

Check out the results of the phase 2 trial, which were f*cking amazing. 91% of the severely ill covid-19 patients who were treated with umbilical cord MSCs survived vs. only 42% survived in the placebo group.


technofuture8 OP t1_iwhlr7u wrote

If you read my first comment you might be left wondering what are exosomes exactly? Scientific American did an excellent article on exosomes check it out? For those who are curious

And in this podcast they interviewed the scientist who treated these spina bifida babies with placenta derived mesenchymal stem cells, according to the scientist in the future they intend to try this same surgery with stem cells on babies with spina bifida that have already been born, they think these stem cells can possibly help a baby with spina bifida that's already been born, and they might even try these stem cells on people with spinal cord injury, you know paralyzed people. It seems these placenta derived stem cells are pretty dang revolutionary.


technofuture8 OP t1_iwhfjwj wrote

Spina bifida is a horrible birth defect of the spine that leaves babies born paralyzed and have bowel problems. In the past ten years they started performing surgery on the baby, while still in the womb, while this helped the babies' outcome it didn't help a whole lot, many were still paralyzed with bowel problems.

So in California they decided to try surgery with stem cells. They performed the standard surgery but added stem cells to the baby's spine. And according to the scientist running the clinical trial the early results are highly encouraging!!! The first baby to be treated with stem cells had a really bad case of spina bifida and was expected to be born paralyzed but it seems the stem cells did the trick, the baby came out of the womb kicking it's legs and wiggling it's toes.

So what kind of stem cells did they use? They used placenta derived mesenchymal stem cells. The placenta comes out of the mothers womb, the placenta actually comes from the developing fetus not the mother, the placenta is typically thrown away but it turns out there are mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) that can be harvested from the placenta, that can be used as medicine.

So what are mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)? MSCs are found all throughout everyone's body actually, in fact all mammals have MSC's in their bodies. MSCs aren't just taken from the placenta they're also frequently harvested from belly fat, bone marrow, and the umbilical cord. MSCs act as a quarterback that directs other cells what to do when the body suffers an injury, they can even control the immune system. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) don't turn into any new tissue, they don't replace damaged tissue, what they do is they home to areas of inflammation and start secreting microscopic molecules (about the size of a virus) that stimulate the body to heal itself. These molecules that MSCs secrete are called exosomes. Every cell in your body is secreting exosomes into the bloodstream, it's one of the ways cells communicate with each other. Even cancer cells secrete exosomes.

If you go on PubMed and enter "mesenchymal stem cell" you'll get back over 80,000 science papers, so research into MSCs is booming right now. Also if you go on PubMed and enter "exosomes" you'll get back tens of thousands of science papers, research into exosomes is booming too.

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) don't have to be donor matched believe it or not. There are over 200 clinical trials in the USA that are using MSCs and over 1,000 worldwide currently. MSCs are not yet approved by the FDA but I think that will change in the coming years. MSCs can treat a bunch of different diseases actually. Umbilical cord/placenta derived MSCs tend to give the best results according to scientists, MSCs taken from the umbilical cord/placenta are super young and are supercharged basically.

p.s. Listen I know Joe Rogan ain't too popular on Reddit but I thought some of you might find this interesting. I first learned about mesenchymal stem cells thanks to Joe Rogan. Joe interviewed Mel Gibson back in 2018 because apparently Mel flew his dying 92yo father down to Panama where it's legal to get umbilical cord derived mesenchymal stem cells. According to Mel Gibson his father's recovery was miraculous!!! And I've been obsessed with MSCs ever since, I think it will revolutionize modern medicine as we know it (if only the FDA would approve it). Mel Gibson's father died at 101 but the umbilical cord MSCs are probably the reason he didn't die at 92. This is just the first ten minutes the whole interview is on Spotify


technofuture8 OP t1_iv8zob4 wrote

Sure but this one is a legit breakthrough and it's going to replace most ACL reconstruction surgeries. I mean it's approved by the FDA. I mean this is real they can literally get the ACL to regrow to good as new, this is pretty fucking amazing actually.

Here watch this doctor go over the BEAR implant and what it means for the future of ACL repair.


technofuture8 OP t1_iv8zh89 wrote

Well here you need to watch this, this doctor is using the BEAR implant, watch it you'll learn a lot about it. This BEAR implant will replace most ACL reconstruction surgeries, though some cases will need ACL reconstruction surgery but the BEAR implant is the future.

"BEAR: A Game-Changing ACL Repair Enables Regrowth - Dr. Marc Pietropaoli"


technofuture8 OP t1_iuzsvhc wrote

Well check this out, they cured this man's spinal cord injury using mesenchymal stem cells which they took from his belly fat.

Though I must say umbilical cord derived mesenchymal stem cells are far superior than that, I've been researching mesenchymal stem cells for years so trust me. I first learned about mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) thanks to Joe Rogan, here watch this, this is just the first ten minutes the whole interview is on Spotify, but this how I became obsessed with MSCs

They used umbilical cord MSCs on covid 19 patients in a small trial and the results were fucking amazing look.

This company here is going through a phase 3 trial using umbilical cord MSCs for severe covid-19. Just thought I'd throw that out there. I think this might just be the first company in the USA to get approval for the use of mesenchymal stem cells from the FDA, as MSCs are not currently approved by the FDA.

Also check this out, I just posted this the other day. They used placenta derived mesenchymal stem cells to cure spina bifida in babies in California.


technofuture8 OP t1_iuzol18 wrote

No this is a collagen implant made out of cow collagen, but it gets absorbed by the body over months while the ACL regrows back to good as new. Unfortunately they would have completely removed your original ACL from your knee. Sorry man but your ACL is gone now.


technofuture8 t1_it948kj wrote

We actually have an effective treatment for antibiotic resistant
bacteria now, ever heard of phage therapy? There was a man who traveled
overseas and picked up a bacteria strain that was resistant to every
kind of antibiotic that we have, he should have died but they injected
him with bacteriophages, these are virus's that hunt down bacteria, and
he miraculously survived. Phage therapy is the answer to antibiotic
resistant bacteria. I think that over the next 20 - 30 years technology
is going to radically transform our world. Innovation may have slowed
down but it's still happening, I mean they even have working quantum
computers now, imagine what quantum computers will do to the world in
the coming decades?