
telxonhacker t1_j9mgo0t wrote

Someone either didn't know what they were talking about, or was trying to pull one over on you. I'd wager he didn't know, versus he was trying to rip you off.

Here is the official checklist from the state DPS. It does not mention headlights being too dim. If you want to read the whole 59 page manual, Here it is. (headlights are on page 22 to 23)


telxonhacker t1_j56yff1 wrote

Better timing of the lights, so you don't have one change green right as the next one changes red, I avoid this cluster at all costs. Yes, all of this city needs the traffic signal programming seriously overhauled, no more left turn arrows that stay on 1-2 seconds, no more badly synched lights, intelligent infrastructure that adjusts to actual traffic flow, etc.

A lot of the problems with Campbell seem to come down to the lack of forward thinking that didn't happen years ago. No one planned for the amount of traffic it now has, and the worst is between Sunshine and JRF. Most of the "improvements" done by the city and state are just band aids that provide a temporary fix, or no real fix at all.

Adding lanes doesn't ease congestion, it just makes it worse here is an article that gives more insight.

I've been to similar sized cities that use intelligent infrastructure in regards to traffic management, and the difference is astounding. For instance, if a small intersection that sees maybe 1000 cars a day suddenly is getting 100 cars a minute due to traffic diverting from a wreck elsewhere, the lights adapt to the higher volume and work to clear out the intersections, once traffic drops back to normal, they adjust to their regular settings. Bad weather will cause the lights to stay on slightly longer, especially yellow lights, to help prevent people from stopping hard.

The state and city wouldn't even have to change every intersection, at least initially, but focus on the heaviest ones first.


telxonhacker t1_j3arrau wrote

My dad and I used to explore a lot of stuff around town when I was a kid, back in the mid 90's. There were so many empty/abandoned places that are since gone or converted to something else. The old MFA mill on Boonville was very spooky, you'd hear doors slam randomly from the wind. The "Albino Farm" (Springlawn) was awesome in the 90's, there was an old log cabin on the property, and a few other buildings that are now gone.

Old factories, grain mills, a metal recycling plant, the tunnels you mentioned, and Winoka, were all places we went to "back in the day"

Places I've gone on my own or with friends: the Woodruff Building/Sky 11 before remodel, the "Messiah Mill" on Chestnut and National, various caves, the Springfield Underground, old farmhouses further outside of town, and so many more.

I don't go as much now, as this day and age you need friends along, running into tweakers and scrappers can go sideways fast, and most of the people I went with have moved out of the area, and my dad doesn't feel up to it much any more.

I never did get to Dogpatch, which is a bummer, but I did see most of the pics online from there, and I always wanted to get into Celebration City, but heard security was pretty tight.

I never thought other people would enjoy going traipsing through old ruined buildings like Dad and I did, until the early 2000's when I started finding sites like UO/UNF, UER and others, and learned that Urbex was a hobby shared by many others.


telxonhacker t1_j3aposw wrote

I too will recommend them, very kind and compassionate, and made me feel at ease when I needed some teeth filled. I hadn't been to a dentist since I was a kid, and after realizing I needed to act now, or face serious issues, I decided I needed a dentist. Non judgemental, went out of their way to make sure I was comfortable and everyone there seems happy to be there.


telxonhacker t1_j0nmjpj wrote

Reply to Customers by the_honeyman

It seems the level of service has gone downhill as well. I know the pandemic has put a crimp on a lot of the supply chain, and stores not wanting to pay people a decent wage.

What people need to remember is, being rude to the clerks/servers/ minimum wage employees isn't going to fix the problem. They don't set the idiotic policies, or decide to cut hours, decide not to pay better, or drop certain products etc. It's the people sitting in cozy offices making 6 figures that decide that a store can run on 50% of the employees it should have, or that people don't deserve a living wage.

I always adopt an approach of being nice to the retail workers, regardless how badly the business itself sucks, unless the employees are outwardly rude. (even then, who's to say what they are going through) but I will totally vote with my wallet.


telxonhacker t1_ix2e7mm wrote

Reply to comment by igolikethis in Never by Stonkatron69

Golden off of Grand, and the surrounding area was what we always called the holler. I knew someone who lived off of Page and Western, it always seemed like a chill area, but even they didn't go over to "the holler"


telxonhacker t1_ivydy7i wrote

I always wanted a pet monkey, as I've grown up around all kinds of animals as a kid, cats, dogs, birds, pet mice, hamsters, etc). My mom used to raise parrots, and most people don't realize what a commitment they are. She would make people do their research into what owning a parrot entails, and wouldn't sell one to someone who wasn't prepared, she would also do check ups for the first year or two, and keep in contact with the new owners.

I did my own research on pet monkeys, and came to the conclusion it was a bad idea 99% of the time. Parrots can get mean and loud if not given constant interaction, but monkeys can get downright violent! ( don't even get started with larger apes!) There's a youtube channel of a guy that has a small "monkey rescue" and he gives a compelling argument as to why monkeys don't make good pets. (a lot of the reasons you mentioned) Enjoy them in the wild, in videos, or support a monkey rescue group, don't get one as a pet.