
tenebrls t1_it7bh0z wrote

You say that as if psychiatry isn’t itself a societal device for ensuring it’s own self survival by coercing/forcing aberrant individuals from ascribing themselves to the principles that allows the continual propagation of said society. While sometimes there can certainly be a bit of overlap, at the end of the day, CBT, other forms of thought reframing, and more intensive treatment options are not primarily focused on giving the patient as objective and impassive a view on life as possible as it is to bring them into harmony with the principles of the dominant society, as if that society and everything in it necessarily deserves to exist in the first place.


tenebrls t1_it7a1zi wrote

Good intentions don’t matter. Good intentions don’t alter the outcome of actions and events. Good intentions can be used to justify oppressive laws and viewpoints, toxic behaviour, and the propagation of further suffering to others. Good intentions are what people use to pat themselves on the back as they try to forget their world is still a terrible place and their actions have had no significance in making it better.