
terriblepie t1_jcft953 wrote

Haha yeah I was amazed my niche knowledge of DC government and tenant’s rights came into play this morning. Our building’s tenant association has been working with both of those orgs for a bit now and they’re pretty helpful. FYI it’s a slow process to make a company take accountability for things but at least you can apply some pressure beyond just isolated tenant complaints


terriblepie t1_jcfl0la wrote

I’d reach out to the DC office of the tenant advocate (https://ota.dc.gov/node) to understand any recourse you can take. If the noise is high enough there might be DC code being violated or a civil penalty that could be levied. Also I’d contact your local ANC (https://www.anc1b.org/) to make sure they are aware of issues in your building. The local ANC has to approve all zoning in the district and has a lot of influence with the companies that build these new apartment buildings.