
that_one_wierd_guy t1_itqmtrl wrote

I know nothing about nothing but, I'd say to be on the safe side you need to not only calculate the weight of the equipment but also find an average body-weight and calculate for every piece of equipment being used to max capacity at the same time. just to be on the safe side. it's not just about if it'll hold it, but consider the possibility of sagging over time.


that_one_wierd_guy t1_ir6vibs wrote

if you don't enjoy it then does it really matter what you accomplish or what the timetable is?

and if you're passionate about something, sure there's the drive to get it done as soon as possible, but you also want to get it done right.

we don't all start at the same place, so comparing where you're at to where someone else is at doesn't make a lot of sense.