
thatajv t1_jea4f0b wrote

Bro is really gonna try to tell someone they haven’t experienced harm by misquoting the OED

Here’s what the OED actually says:

> harm, n. “evil (physical or otherwise) as done to or suffered by some person or thing; hurt, injury, damage, mischief. Often in the set phrase “to do more harm than good.”


thatajv t1_j15x44n wrote

Then you’ll be waiting for a long time. Like I said, I’m not gonna teach you the history of policing.

I also never said that OP shouldn’t become an officer with MPD or any other police force in the DMV. I asked what their motivation was and even commended other commenters for their good, salient advice.

Did I inject some of my own take on policing as an institution and include a gripe about MPD? Of course I did. It’s the internet. It’s what we all do. OP asked for “any and all accounts and opinions of the department” from this sub, so I gave my opinion. OP is free to take it or leave it.


thatajv t1_j12o87p wrote

What is your motivation for starting a career in law enforcement? If it’s to serve your community and help people, there are far better options than serving in an institution that is inextricably linked to slavery and, in the case of MPD, mired in corruption.

The advice of other commenters is salient and, while I may have policy disagreements with some folks, you have a ton of good advice in the thread.

If you do take the leap into law enforcement, please be one of the good ones.
