
thatgirl239 t1_j6my948 wrote

I was laid off in 2019. I knew it was coming and I was just glad it was over. What was nuts was the lead up. It was the Monday after Black Friday. I was supposed to be off Black Friday but had to be logged on most of the day because of someone else not being on deadline. Since I was salary exempt, I just lost the day. Monday comes around, and my boss thanks me for logging on (even though it wasn’t an option). Ask about the upcoming layoffs, she tells me not to worry. Go about my day.

I come back from lunch around 2 PM, when my boss pulls me into a conference room. With her boss and some lady I don’t recognize and a lot of paperwork. I got laid off after working more than half the work day! When I go outside to wait for my ride bc I had to be out of the building immediately, I realize it’s raining and I don’t have an umbrella. Fitting end.


thatgirl239 t1_j6mxdzc wrote

I remember when Charlie wanted to completely eliminate WFH. This was pre pandemic but employees who were full time at home were being told they would have to go in office.

And then Charlie left and took a job where he worked from NY even though the company was in LA.

Now BNY wants to do a hybrid schedule, but move everyone to the Ross street building w/shared desks. If you don’t have a desk on a day you come in, they want you to sit on couches.

I was laid off in 2019. I had a very toxic experience and had to take medical leave because my mental health got really screwed up. It was awful.