
thatguy15784927294 t1_iybkeg2 wrote

I wouldnt say very strategic. Very strategic can suck the fun out of it. More like realistic physics I guess? And strategic elements implemented. Mature for sure though, I'm all about kids gaming, but I'm pretty over hearing the pipsqueaks rage into the mic everytime they get killed. Slower paced action is definitely for a more mature fan base.


thatguy15784927294 t1_iyamra7 wrote

Basically battlefield 1's operations or a game like hell let loose with adding a destructiable environment and maybe a smaller scale map. The 50 v 50 part of hell let loose is awesome, it also seems more geared towards 20+ year olds so no screaming children. Add battlefield 1's semi destructible maps. Artillery craters, buildings etc and that's a perfect fps too me. I can waste hours with randos in hell let loose bullshitting and playing that. Just me though, hope the career works out for ya!