
theVHSyoudidntrewind t1_j6vddau wrote

I live in Federal Hill. It’s affordable but a lot of people don’t like it because it has a lot of college kids. Based on my limited experience of Baltimore Fells Point is somewhat expensive. I hang out a lot in Pig Town, Hollins Market, and Ridgleys, the first 2 being “up and coming” neighborhoods so they aren’t going to be as buttoned up as you may be used to in Richmond but they are just as safe as anywhere in Baltimore from my experience and a lot cheaper than some other neighborhoods. I also recommend Hampden (kind of an artsy neighborhood) and Mt Vernon. Fells point isn’t bad it’s just kinda touristy and you can get just as nice places for less. If you don’t mind college kids I love Federal Hill and it’s super close to the inner harbor. With any city just make sure to visit where you are going to live because things can change drastically from one block to the next as far as safety goes.


theVHSyoudidntrewind t1_j6vb4xa wrote

I just moved here about 6 months ago. From a city very similar to Richmond. I would say as long as you go outside it is very easy to meet people. I’m in my mid 30s, I just started going to a bar near my house on a regular basis and people are very friendly and chat you up. I’ve made a lot of friends I see regularly now. Something I have never experienced before honestly and I’m not particularly outgoing.

One of the things I love most about living in Baltimore is that everyone is so friendly and open to meeting new people. Also, they call it Smalltimore for a reason. It is very neighborhood centric here so once you start meeting people they all know each other in the neighborhood and a friend of a friend becomes your friend just because you live in the same neighborhood. And you start seeing them out at all the bars and restaurants. I really like it here a lot.

ETA: best days to make friends is on Ravens game days. Everyone is out and in a good mood, happy to have a chat. When I first moved here it was honestly my favorite day to go out because I would meet and hang with so many people.