
the_3d6 t1_j9z3l2s wrote

>Remember that Ukraine is a small country (its population is half the size of the UK).

~40 millions before the war started, thus ~10M men fit for army. 1% of 10M = 100k

>Remember that Ukraine is one of the poorest countries in Europe.

I know it firsthand - I live in Kyiv )) In IT $3k is quite an average salary. A lot of people earn at least $1k (flat rent prices in Kyiv right now tell that 17k flats are available for renting with median price ~$300/month - which means that a lot of people can afford that, otherwise the price would go down).

So $3-5k is definitely within reach for at least 20% of the population


the_3d6 t1_j9w2xiy wrote

Not in the west, but there are indeed such people in the east. Yet even there a vast majority condemned russian actions. Clearly forced deportation didn't happen often - but people on occupied territories are given a choice of going through many filtration checkpoints in order to get to free Ukraine (with very real chances to be detained for as much as pro-Ukrainian found in their phone), or unrestricted, no questions asked passage to russia


the_3d6 t1_j9v0t2p wrote

That's what happens on border with Belorussia which is giving free passage for russian troops but officially hadn't joined the war. On russian border it's more tense, although in general yes, both sides keep clear from small- and medium arms range, and heavy armor is mostly not used there (with occasional exceptions)