
the_original_Retro t1_je5ex3m wrote

This is where my knowledge fails, but I think it's safe to say that different chemical and filtration processes activate between different classes of in-taken nutrients including water, and these are handled by different organs in the body.

The intestines do much of the work of digestion for more complex molecules, giving those molecules time to be broken down into protein building blocks, and simplifying starches into sugars. But if you drink a couple big glasses of water, most of that water never reaches the full path through them.


the_original_Retro t1_je37snx wrote

It's not a "I am completed with this package here you go there next stage knock yourself out" process.

It's a "chemicals are removed and passed on in various orders depending on how filled the digestive process already is" process.

You're not a first-in-first-out organism. Further, you'r e also not a fastest-in-fastest-through organism.

If your innards are not otherwise busy, you process liquid foodstuffs far faster than complex organic foodstuffs like high-fibre proteins. But that processing takes time for the more filling types of food you eat, at least in most cases. Pack your stomach with wagyu-steak fats and proteins, and it'll take a while for everything to sort itself out even if you gorf down an ice cream sundae afterwards.


the_original_Retro t1_jdkvpk0 wrote

There aren't any. Having people like you kinda depends on what you are doing.

"No matter what" means you might have just axe-murdered their entire family, for example. Hard for them to like you in that case.

Maybe describe what your personal challenges are with being likeable, and ask for advice on those instead.


the_original_Retro t1_jaf4s0e wrote

I was accused of it.

Young woman, 17 maybe (?), posted an "I'm in trouble" question on AskReddit.

I provided some honest advice based on my own experience with something similar to her situation involving my daughter.

Her response was... weird. She replied as if she didn't actually read what I wrote at all, and her comment was full of really strange interpretations of my own input. Like, REALLY strange and as if she wasn't actually looking for help at all.

So I asked her to clarify what she meant... and she freaked out and rage-replied at me.

So I checked out her Reddit profile. <-- mistake

She was a frequent user of a really cancerous "affirmation" subReddit where you post your picture and ask for compliments, and everyone then says nice things about you.

That place was honestly surreal. People were just making up crazy compliments that had nothing at all to do with the picture, just guesses and undeserved positive statements. "I'm sure you're as smart as you are pretty", "I bet you'll be a millionaire some day!", and so on.

I could not see how all that bullshit "you're better than okay, in every possible way!" input would be helpful for someone who was seriously asking for help in a different place.

So I mentioned her presence there in the original thread as an indication that she might need a little help <-- mistake

...and I got accused of everything. Stalking, being a creep, being a pedo, scaring a young woman, and so on.

It reminded me that some people are simply not rational and not fair.

Anyways, I honestly do hope this young woman found some better reality-based help than the lies offered up to her on that awful affirmation site. She seemed really, really troubled.


the_original_Retro t1_jaf1zmb wrote

You just gave three separate examples of why you would, and you're ONE person.

Now extend your post to someone else.

  • "It's the only thing I ever see advertised on TV."
  • "9 out of 10 doctors recommend it compared to... well, the other... stuff"
  • "My niece told me she saw a poster for it and it helped her sick baby."
  • "It's been around for over a hundred years!"
  • "I am a Huge fan of Politician X, and he promoted it!"
  • "I just love their advertisements, they make me laugh so hard!"

And keep going.

Yes, some of those answers are probably indicative of someone that's not as aware or smart as you.

But that doesn't matter if they spend their money on the brand product in question.


the_original_Retro t1_jaenkk8 wrote

A LOT of reasons.

  • Name brands often have sexier packaging, assembly, and presentation than not-name brands. A lot of people are into that, and pay the mark-up on the name brand.
  • Name brands sometimes go on sale based on discounts from their manufacturer for lower prices than non-name brands. You can often score really decent deals on stuff like branded laundry detergent, shampoos, canned sauces, and so on. You just have to wait for the sale.
  • Name brands are ADVERTISED. Want an example? "Aspirin" is "Acetylsalicylic Acid". Which do you think most people recognize? They'll buy Aspirin and Tylenol because they "know" what it is due to seeing the ads. But they won't buy ASA or Ibuprofen, even though they're the same thing.
  • People are really gullible. Brands tell stories about their product that people believe, and so they buy them rather than no-brand stuff.
  • Some name brands are simply better than no-name. I've never found wheat chaff in my brand flour, and I do a LOT of cooking. I have found wheat chaff, and had to sift it out, in the non-branded stuff. And most tomato sauce is far better when branded, trust me on this. (I make a ton of pasta).

All of these things make people go to your store and buy your store's stuff. A great, great many people would never go to your store if it only had non-branded stuff though.


the_original_Retro t1_jadcl10 wrote

This isn't someone trying "more" to be your friend". Dunno how you possibly spun that out of it.

This is someone that's either insecure, hyper-competitive, or a narcissist, and they think they have to beat you rather than support you.

Friends congratulate each other on their successes. Sure there might be some joshing or occasional trash-talking involved, but at their heart, if they're not toxic, they're HAPPY for you. They're not trying to outclass you unless they have problems of their own.


the_original_Retro t1_jacb0pt wrote


It takes two extra seconds to add a spoiler tag inside a comment, and less than one extra second to avoid including them in the title of a post... and the latter is really kind of disappointing when you're subscribed and a spoiler title comes up on your feed, you read it, and then you can't unsee it.

I just wish Reddit had a consistent spoiler tag option across all subs.


the_original_Retro t1_ja7xqvf wrote

Adding Customer Appeal as a big factor as well.

A lot of "exotic" products on store shelves simply don't move. You can see some stuff there that has clearly not been getting much sales.

So why does the store even carry it then, if they could put something there in its place that would probably sell more?

The answer is because that weird item might be the ONE reason a customer goes to THAT store rather than A DIFFERENT store that doesn't carry it. And while inside, that customer thinks "Hey, I need milk and bread too... and oh, wow, an extra vegetable for tomorrow night's soup, and... and... and..."

By keeping slow-selling items in stock, stores can attract customers to them. So a percentage of their space is reserved for low-demand inventory.


the_original_Retro t1_ja61ihq wrote

Air doesn't really have a true 'speed'. There is a 'transfer-of-air' speed that is dependent on pressure. Generally, the more there is a difference in pressure, the faster nearby air will move.

At the surface of the planet, all the air above you puts a pressure of 14 pounds per square inch on everything. We don't feel that, because we evolved to not feel it. You can't see it because that air presses in on every possible direction.

But air kinda has a speed.

The "speed of air" is probably best described as the "speed of sound". Sound in air, like a balloon's pop or someone's shout, is transmitted at about 770 miles an hour, or about 1100 feet per second. When you smack your hands together, someone that's 1100 feet away will hear it in one second. When a lightning bolt causes a thunder clap, five seconds later (almost a mile of distance), you'll hear it.

That's probably the best way to describe how "fast" air is.