
the_river_nihil t1_j6pdzt4 wrote

People who highly editorialize / exaggerate stories. I get that there’s some margin for fluff and paraphrasing, that’s allowed in the spirit of good story-telling, but if I was literally there when it happened and I’m hearing this bullshit recounting of things that never went down…. Like, maybe that’s just not that interesting of a story, ya know? Especially having people put words in my mouth.

Worse yet, people who straight up steal stories. I was hanging out with some friends once and one guy is talking about a crazy encounter he had with a dude at a bar. My other friend pipes up and says “Oh yeah? What bar was it? What’d the guy look like, was he white? Was he black? Older, younger? YOU DON’T KNOW, DO YOU? Because that didn’t fucking happen to you; IT HAPPENED TO ME you silly bitch!”