
theboz14 OP t1_jdohbqc wrote

Yep, she is getting paid just like the last two times. I was approved for PFML when she went to New Mexico and to California, 3 weeks and 2 weeks. The problem with childcare is not paying for childcare. it's my work hours that prevent me from doing it every day. There are days when im 200 miles from home working someone's facility and staying there until the work is completed. I have worked 20 hours straight some days. I am a Milwright, or Maintenance Contractor, going to Amazons, UPS, Fedex, Ontrac, and other places all over the Puget Sound area.

Trying to find daycare for extended hours is not easy. We have one we use, and they offer extended daycare, and I will be using it when they go back to school after the summer. IWill be taking my kids to the daycare early in the morning and they will take them to school for me and picking them up from school and when I finish work, I will pick them up at daycare. I will also be working for 7 months of her deployment.

Regardless, I get $50 deducted from my paychecks per month for PFML, and I qualify to use it for 12 weeks, then im going to use it.


theboz14 OP t1_jdnqx4n wrote

Im not taking FMLA.


You can take for

Family leave is used to take paid time off to:

Care for a family member with a serious health condition.

Bond with a new child born or placed into your family.

Spend time with a family member who is about to be deployed overseas, is returning from overseas deployment or dealing with family issues related to the deployment.

Effective June 9, 2022 You may also use family leave for the seven days following the loss of a child if you meet one of these requirements:

The following family members of a person in the military can take Paid Leave:

Spouses and domestic partners

Children (biological, adopted, foster or stepchild)

Parents and legal guardians (and spouse’s parents)



Grandparents (and spouse’s grandparents)

Son-in-law and daughter-in-law

Someone who has an expectation to rely on you for care—whether you live together or not.

What is military exigency?

Military member’s active duty or call to active duty status as qualifying exigency leave. Such events may include leave to spend time with a covered military member either prior to or post deployment, or to attend to household emergencies that would normally have been handled by the covered military member.

PFML is completely different then FMLA. One is Federal and the other is just for Washington residents that have worked 840 hours in the prior 12 month period.

As stated I am taking it because my wife is leaving for deployment and I will need to take care of my two kids while they are out of school. I cant afford having my two kids in daycare for 10+ hours a day 5 days a week. I also stated I have been approved 4 times prior for the exact same thing and had no issues taking it and unlike FMLA i will get 90% of my pay per week as they see my average work week is 50 hours a week for the last 12 month period.


theboz14 OP t1_jdlkz48 wrote

I think I may have found the correct orders. Actually she does have two sets of orders for some odd reason. The one I sent to PFML just had California and did not say anything about going to Africa.

While I was thinking, I remember she did send me some orders last year on Whatsapp that actually had her overseas travel. I didnt know there was a difference in them as military orders are bot the easiest things to read, lol.

Anyways, even though her orders just to California should have been enough, as they were back in 2021, four times, I added her overseas orders the application and wrote them an explanation of what they say and where to find the information they need to approve the PFML.


theboz14 OP t1_jdlb1qf wrote

You are also referring to someone who is active duty. They are always doing the military thing as thats their main job.

My wife works a civilian job monday to Friday and has her hours to be structured so she can take the kids to and from school. My job prevents me from doing that daily.

Yes, my wife being called to active duty is all PFML requires Reservist to be covered.

If you are active Military 24/7, then you must be overseas to be covered under PFML.

I also said I had PFML in 2001, and I had it 4 times for no more than 3 weeks at a time for when she went to California as her orders stated as such for training.

Also, in my denial letter, they stated I would be approved for 12 weeks and told me how much I would have received. Knowing how much you would get after you are denied is a little tough to take. Basically they are saying well you are denied, but hey if you weren't you would have recieved $1200( not the exact amount) per week for 12 weeks, oh well better luck next time, lol.

Also, the denial letter stated I was denied because I didn't meet the requirements for a severe medial issue, I never put in for a medical.

But, the thing is, even if they need to go overseas, She IS. She is just going to California for pre-deployment, because they need training prior to going overseas since she is just a weekend warrior and not full time Active Duty.

She is going to Africa for 7 dam months.


theboz14 OP t1_jdkh6d9 wrote

Thank you. My wife is an immigrant from Malaysia. She came here on a fiancé visa in 2014 and became a citizen a couple of years later.

Then, out of the blue, she wanted to join the Navy Reserves. I was kinda upset as I was Army and had been out since 94, I figured she would be better in the Army, lol.

She went to training in Chicago, where we lived when she arrived here and then she went for her Seabee training at Ft Leonard Wood, MO and stayed in the same Barracks I stayed in when I was stationed there as a MP.

Now, she is getting deployed close to where I was when I was deployed. Im not going to say exactly where she is going, but I was in Somolia. She is definitely not going there, Thank God.

In a couple of years, she will probably get deployed to Panama, I dont think she would get deployed to Korea. So she won't go everywhere I have been, lol.

She already wants our son to join the Airforce, but he is just 8, so he has some time to decide that for himself, 😆