
thecloudcities t1_j94egsy wrote

I don’t mind them in principle, but the amount of times I have noticed something important-looking on them and then have the screen change as I’m halfway through reading it is mind-boggling. And who the hell knows when that information is going to come back? At least have a counter or something for when I need to look at the screen again.


thecloudcities t1_izo1918 wrote

One of those articles where everyone comes out of it looking bad (except the kids).

Pickleball players: the city gave you two courts. Taking more than two courts when the area around you is crowded is a jerk move. If you need more space than that, consider going at a time when not so many kids are around. Should be pretty easy during the school year. Also, unless it's blatantly intentional, don't get pissed when a stray ball invades your game. That stuff happens; just return it and move on with your life.

Parents: telling your kids to run through other people's games to disrupt them is a jerk move. If you've got a problem with people using more space than they should, take it up with them yourself, don't outsource that to your kids who are just looking to have fun and not get hit by a ball or a random paddle.

The city: how about sending someone out to enforce the two courts every so often rather than just pushing the pickleball players out to other spaces where this whole thing will inevitably repeat itself? It's not like those other playgrounds are sitting empty.

The whole thing sucks, and it's the people who can actually act like adults in a civilized society who lose out.