
thecyriousone t1_j51ysa6 wrote

I rolled my eyes as yet another deranged adventurer walked into my office, sword in hand and an arrogant expression on his face. Putting that sign on my desk that said "Final Boss" had seemed like a hilarious joke at the time, but with the number of adventurers that had given me an overdramatic speech about how they were going to kill me and save the world or whatever, the joke was now anything but hilarious.

I simply crossed my arms and gave the adventurer a "are you serious right now dude" look as he pointed his sword at my face and said, "Your reign of terror is over, cruel villain! For I, the heroic Phoenix, have come to defeat you!"

I pushed his sword down and away from my face and said, "For the last time, no, I'm not some 'cruel villain who needs to be defeated' or whatever. I'm just some stupid CEO of some stupid company who can't remember his employees' names half the time. So your and your little metal stick there can get out of my office and go find whatever villain it is that needs defeating."

The hero sheathed his sword and said, "Oh, so... you're not actually a villain?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Now go get lost."

The hero's face turned red for a moment, then said, "Oh, ok then..." He then turned around and walked out of my office. Once he left, I handed my "Final boss" sign to my secretary and said, "'Bout time this thing goes in the burner."