
themacmeister t1_j8r1ryb wrote

"These parts are either Exiles (the most vulnerable, wounded parts of us which carry the deepest inner pain) or Protectors (which can be further identified as Managers or Firefighters."


"IFS synthesizes the more traditional scientific psychological approach with a shamanic approach". I would never see a SHAMAN in preference to a psycologist/psychiatrist, ESPECIALLY IF THAT SHAMAN IS MYSELF!!!

Also worried about the fervour with which this is being pushed...

Before long, you too will be OT8 (Operating Thetan Level 8)

"Sidenote: Are you aware that many IFS therapists work online?"

You don't say!!!


themacmeister t1_itw9rmx wrote

Why would anyone colourize a photo of a Japanese P.O.W. and also superimpose a hippy surfer photo which has no connection with the original photo...

No-one at a hospital allows a patient to get that emaciated. Also, no hospital I know uses the "hessian-sack-pillow". This entire anti-smoking policy has produced nothing but grotesque and fake photos, purporting to be gangrene (but actually being frostbite) and dental issues (which are just homeless people's teeth/gums).

I take everything printed on tobacco product packaging - with a huge grain of salt. The statistics they quote are batsh*t insane as well.
