
themanfromUNCLE100 t1_j6k6aye wrote

Reply to 19F and 44M by tushitouuu

Have some respect for yourself and get a boyfriend your age who's actually interested in you and not your body. Why would you want to be with a guy who is old enough to be your father. Do you have daddy issues? Leave the relationship.


themanfromUNCLE100 t1_j2dxpwk wrote

First off congratulations on your weight loss journey and you look fantastic. I had been on my weight loss journey back in my early 20s and had reddit been around I'd have posted pics. Now you've to do a little self reflection are posting pics to get revenge on him or just sharing your journey? It was definitely wrong on your husband's part to make you feel so small and make unattractive. But any guy would have a problem if random men remarks on their so. So what you ultimate objective get back at your hubby fir screwing up and show him how attractive you're rn.


themanfromUNCLE100 t1_j2dtut9 wrote

What are you doing with a guy with that weird age gap. You are at an age where you should experience life and not get saddled with a mid 30s man who's having a mid life crisis dating someone 10 years younger. Get out and move on. You have a lot of life and shouldn't be worrying about his mess.


themanfromUNCLE100 t1_j2ddfo3 wrote

Listen to your gut. If this's a deal breaker then get out rn. No doubt that's a disgusting behavior on his part talking sexually about his spouse with his friend behind their back. Most women in your position would leave the relationship. Real talk it'd be extremely difficult to trust him after this. There's likely chance he might talk about you to his friends.. this time in secret.


themanfromUNCLE100 t1_j2dcsll wrote

Your husband is hell bent to break up his marriage. Most marriages do not survive after opening it and this one will be no different. The time to remain silent and let it slide has gone and now you be very upfront to shut down this fantasy of his once and for all. You have to put your foot down. The fact he discussed it with his friend about and how he's fantasizing you is both disgusting and intrusion of your privacy.

You have to give a stern warning if he doesn't give this up once and for all you'll have ko other chance but to leave the marriage.


themanfromUNCLE100 t1_j2bpf0n wrote

You are not dating a man but a man child. Obviously he has issues but he's refusing to accept responsibility and work on his issues. Listen to your gut feeling. That's called reasoned thinking and not being unreasonable and overreacting. Don't stay in this relationship for the fear of being alone. You have invested a lot of time, effort and energy in this relationship. Now don't waste any more time in this because you have been with for 7 years. This is called SUNK COST FALLACY where people keeps on investing more time, effort and energy to something because they're already heavily invested in it.

You should be on your own for few months. Decide for yourself what do you want in a relationship and in a partner. This is very important phase unless you understand yourself you'd waste your precious years with another person.

The time has come to end it and move on in life.


themanfromUNCLE100 t1_iydq7zu wrote

Before you jump to conclusion that whether he was masturbating to a kids show it can happen the show was going on and he was fantasizing about you or some girl and masturbating. The answer also lies in his web search history and tiktok account he watches. If it's underage girls then leave.


themanfromUNCLE100 t1_iuifpju wrote

He's either having Sex with a minor or have groomed her before she turned of legal age. Either way it's super predatory. Make sure everyone who knows him knows about it. Don't forget to mention to the girl's parents.

ETA: If he's having sex with a minor you should report it to the police. You don't want a rapist to roam around freely.