
themistergraves t1_j1q0go8 wrote

It is very likely that whatever the world looks like in 300 years will look very alien to us so much so that it is almost useless trying to predict it.

Imagine your average European city in 1722. No electricity. No plumbing. Horses were the fastest form of transportation. People, on average, died at age 35.

Taking a person from a city in 1722 and putting them in the same city in 1822 would have shocked them, but things would still look pretty familiar to them. Put that same person in that city in 1922 and they would be freaking out. And the pace of change has only gotten quicker over the past 100 years.

100 years ago we didn't have automatic washing machines, films were still music-only, and atomic bomb had not yet been invented. The next 100 years could go in both great and terrible directions that we can hardly imagine.


themistergraves t1_iuvzb98 wrote

Another idea is that these countries could more or less create millions of accounts that don't have blue checks to follow the accounts with blue checks, and then use those accounts with blue checks to write whatever disinformation/propaganda they want, and then have their millions of accounts without blue checks to re-tweet it.


themistergraves t1_iuhxl6z wrote

You misread my comment. My coworker moved here from a place where everyone dries their clothes with a dryer. They had never hung clothes to dry before, so they were apparently unaware that just leaving the clothes hanging outside, under a roof on a balcony, when the weather is wet and cool, causes clothes to remain damp and become moldy.


themistergraves t1_iuhvgr0 wrote

A coworker that is new to countries that don't have dryers recently told me his clothes were starting to smell moldy. I asked if he was leaving them outside to dry in the rain and humidity. He said yeah. I had to advise him to buy an indoor rack and a fan.

So, yes. Some people don't know this.


themistergraves t1_iufw123 wrote

Took a quick look at your post history. Are you on medication for depression and anxiety?

There are certain non-medication things you can do, but this seems like a long-term problem for you, and I wonder if you or your family have considered medication and/or therapy.

You say that your father's side is successful. If so, surely they also want you to be successful and will help you in any way they can, right?


themistergraves t1_itfy125 wrote

I've seen some self-made documentaries on YouTube that use stock video. I am certain some of that stock video is already AI-generated, as the head movements and eye movements in those stock video clips are just slightly... inhuman.