
thepasttenseofdraw t1_izjl837 wrote

Yeah its actually not. Aside from your very obvious privacy issues and utter bullshit here on this thread, your tool is a completely useless piece of shit, hacked together by what appears to be a bunch of greedy morons socially manipulating people on the internet in an attempt to hock a shitbox broken tool. Fuck right off.

Dude is spamming this all over city subs, seems to be from NY since he's looking for $6 haircuts in Chinatown.


thepasttenseofdraw t1_iybmhcc wrote

I mean, kinda biased no? Is there a resemblance? Sure. I mean you’re basically asserting that you invented putting rainbow lines on a jersey. And not acknowledging that the design you’re bitching about took a far more interesting route for its colored lines, forming a T, rather than an s/s/slash whatever you got. You didn’t invent the MBTA industrial design, you borrowed from it. Maybe have some perspective.


thepasttenseofdraw t1_iyblhjr wrote

Reply to comment by lamb_pudding in I would purchase this by mzzy_ozborne

> “Design a Celtics Jersey that uses the MBTA design system”.

Along with the requisite art school primadonna thinking using industrial design from the 70s means they own it and invented it, and then calling out someone else for having similar inspiration.


thepasttenseofdraw t1_iybky94 wrote

Not the same vertical design. I mean the OP is a T, which I’d argue is far more clever and aestetically pleasing than what it’s purported to be stealing from. This other one is 80s future lines like United airlines. There’s nothing novel about having the T line colors represented, or organizing them by color in a pleasing way.

Edit: I mean by your measure, you just stole this nuggets design from the 80s:


thepasttenseofdraw t1_iybko1q wrote

Yeah dude, no ones biting your shit here. It’s not a blatant rip off, it’s a similar design. You didn’t invent colored lines that represent the T lines. Your design is dope, but this isn’t “the same thing.” Unless you got a copyright on colored line industrial design.


thepasttenseofdraw t1_ix2ml7w wrote

Man that jerk, and here I am knowingly paying $.005 more per kw/hr to make sure a greater percentage of my power is generated through wind and solar for a whopping $2.50 more a month on the high outlier in summer. Oh and buying solar for nothing up front. Fuck that guy Brandon and all those liberal heatherns in state government for making all of this the better more affordable choice. Oh and local socialism through a CCA. Theses damn bureaucrats and snowflake liberals saving me a shitload of money. If I was a fucking moron I’d be angry!


thepasttenseofdraw t1_ix2b4ta wrote

Just got a letter in the mail that our town will be switching over to a CCA. They’re projecting prices of .124 per kw/hr. Is there some downside I’m not seeing? Just about to pull the trigger on solar as well, though these prices make the solar deal I was offered less attractive. Anyone have experience with this, or opinions on it?


thepasttenseofdraw t1_ix2am9w wrote

Just got a letter in the mail that our town will be switching over to a CCA. They’re projecting prices of .124 per kw/hr. Is there some downside I’m not seeing? Just about to pull the trigger on solar as well, though these prices make the solar deal I was offered less attractive. Anyone have experience with this, or opinions on it?