
thepwnydanza t1_ity5nx0 wrote

> Just because people criticize JF doesn’t make them an ableist.

Where did I say that was the case?

> Just throwing that at everyone that has a different opinion than you diminishes the harm actual ableists cause to people with physical or mental disorders.

No one’s done that.

> In all objective reality, JF looked absolutely lost.

He responded to the questions with real answers. Oz dodged questions.

> He had zero business being on that stage. His handlers and team should be ashamed of putting him out there so unprepared.

Based on what? His speech?

> The republicans are going to take that terrible performance and plaster it everywhere and use it to paint brush all Democrats in the midterms.

Because they’re ableist and using a disability that has 0 effect on his ability to lead to attack him instead of going after his politics. That’s what ableism is.

> JF needed to be at home, resting and getting back to 100% while someone else took over.

He was fine. Despite your opinion.

> His campaign has continuously lied about his condition for weeks and now the Dems are going to fight an even tougher battle because of this.

No. They haven’t.


thepwnydanza t1_itxt9e4 wrote

A disability can be challenging. That’s not ableism. Ask any person with a legitimate whether it’s challenging and they’ll say yes

Ableism is thinking that having a disability prevents you from doing certain things. Ableism is using a person’s disability to try and keep them from participating. Ableism is trying to imply that someone having an issue with speech means they are unable to lead.

Again, admitting that a disability makes something more challenging isn’t ableist, it’s realistic.

Someone who lost their legs is going to find climbing a mountain more challenging than someone who hasn’t. Admitting that isn’t ableist. What is ableist is saying that someone who lost their legs can’t climb a mountain.

Does this clear it up?


thepwnydanza t1_itxqccg wrote

You’re the one assuming that he wasn’t fit for the stage based on what? His speech patterns? Did you listen to what he actually said or how he said if? Because what he said is more important than whether or not he was speaking smoothly.

Some of us aren’t ableist and don’t assume a speech issue means a person isn’t capable and intelligent.

I mean, look at you, I’m sure you speak well but you’re neither capable or intelligent.