
thereisafrx t1_j5v6882 wrote

Not necessarily.

Lots of people have rolled stones down hills, or pushed something down the stairs, etc.

As such, a lot more people have a more intuitive concept of how solid mass interacts with the surrounding environment, but fluids are a different beast entirely so it wouldn't be something a lot of folks would have common experience with.


thereisafrx t1_j5rz7fz wrote

Think about it this way, if you put a quarter on a small hill and rolled it down the hill, and a large stone disk on a proportionally-larger hill, would the large stone disk roll for longer?

Same for the two cases of the fluids in large/small containers, except with the solids there are no viscous forces to consider.


thereisafrx t1_ivic2ff wrote

Soon, procedures like this likely will be illegal to do electively, because the republican government wants to tell women what to do with their bodies (unless it's get a life-saving vaccine for the public good...).

It's the next logical step after they outlaw birth control pills (which is already being worked on).