
thesocialmediadetox t1_iuivecp wrote

I agree with this, for once, but just because I think it's apparent that she's focused all her excess money on herself rather then her child. 70 dollars on seffora? A hotel trip to get laid out of town? People on government support deserve to do nice things for themselves to but this seems excessive and like her child never benefits from it. Some benefits you only get if you have a child and most individual adults have a harder time qualifying because of it. Makes me wonder if she'd qualify without her child.


thesocialmediadetox t1_iuiv1pi wrote

You're getting older and to a point in adult life where you're going to learn you don't want to be associated with people like this. She's shown some selfish behavior and prioritizing herself over her child's well being. I'd question how much the child, now about 8(?), lacks as a sacrifice to his mothers needs.

Show me your 3 closest friends and I'll show you what kind of person you are. I ended a few friendships over this concept because I didn't want to be associated with narcissistic behaviors and general selfishness. Your child comes first- always.