
throw4jklfj t1_j2z3bkd wrote

It's just PR words. There are a limited number of cards out there, so saying "a limited number are experiencing issues" is technically correct and doesnt introduce liability to AMD, and sounds better than "we dont know how many of our products are defective'.


throw4jklfj t1_ivi4lr8 wrote

The comment thread went from "we shouldn't imprison children for life maybe" to "yeah kids can never change as they grow up, lock em up and throw away the key".

Brain development continues until 25 or so, meaning if people are given actual chances to rehabilitate, younger people especially would likely see lower levels of recidivism upon release.

But chuds like you just want to torture criminals, so bye.


throw4jklfj t1_iv7f1uh wrote

I think they're mostly talking about situations where companies find out that whatever they're producing or researching has negative impact towards either the environment or the populace and the company buries the evidence of said negative impact to protect the business. One example is how Syngenta has attempted to silence Dr Tyrone Hayes when he discovered that the chemical Atrazine, which Syngenta produces, is an endocrine disruptor that is negatively impacting wildlife in areas where the atrazine has been applied and washed away into local water sources.


throw4jklfj t1_ith7ut6 wrote

>Someone selling you the actual product you are looking for is not a scam artist.

Except most salespeople aren't happy to just sell you what you are looking for. They will happily fool you into spending more than you desired to get extras or other products that you really don't want or need. They're marginally better in that they aren't outright stealing your money, but not by much. The incentives attract the worst kind of people, and there is no incentive for upper management to reel them in when they prey upon people vulnerable to their manipulation.