
throwaway9908273 t1_j1tqss1 wrote

It's very possible I'm perceiving it that way. The more I think about it, the more I tend to shift towards that. I'll definitely make that a goal of the trip, and I'll try to talk to her about it in a way that's more towards building (like you said bridging the gap) our relationship rather than tearing it down.


throwaway9908273 t1_j1tqeai wrote

I understand. I definitely do need to bury it and just try my best, I think I'm holding a lot of judgment against them without much real reason. So I'll try and see how it goes.

I do try to support her with her family problems, I just do not want to become this backbone that she always relies on. It may be unfair but I feel like she needs to be able to deal with some of it herself. I didn't include this in the original post but we're both going off to college very soon, meaning I most likely won't be able to be there for her every little thing and why I want her to learn to be able to help herself. That being said, I don't really understand where I'm drawing the line, or where I don't want to put her needs before mine.


throwaway9908273 t1_j1tppah wrote

It's mostly how they treat each other when we've been out and what I've heard from my girlfriend. I think it's mostly the "I don't care" attitude they seem to have about each other. They just often refuse to do the smallest favors or show any kindness whatsoever for basically any reason. I was raised the exact opposite and it makes me so frustrated to see family act that to one another, but I know I can't say anything about it. It's not my place.