
throwra79275839 t1_jdq9keo wrote

Great advice.

Except to folks with ADHD or other autism spectrum disorders, as things like this make it worse, thanks to pathological demand avoidance.

All my life, I could be doing something I need to be doing or be planning on doing something I need to do. But, as soon as someone made a request or demand about it, it suddenly became the absolute last thing I wanted to do, or even got pushed completely out of my mind. And then I'd feel bad about it the next day, because, intellectually, I know what needs to be done, but, in the moment, I literally can't bring myself to do it, even if I'm internally screaming at myself to do so.

And with how common insomnia is with neurodivergents, I bet a lot of people seeing this right now are in that boat.