
thurken t1_ivxjzr7 wrote

I guess my comment was unclear. I would be sad to not use or try Android, or other products from Apple, Google, Microsoft. Those companies are building useful things. But I'm glad I don't use products from, stripe, peloton, coinbase and so on. With perhaps the exception from WhatsApp (but it feels so remote from Meta and I see or need no difference from the time it was independent from it).


thurken t1_iv4wt18 wrote

No they come first from for non-profit science, which is the biggest breakthrough. I'm not saying companies are useless: they leverage greed to accelerate the productionizaton, scalability, and marketing of science breakthroughs and this is useful. But here we're not talking about not having companies, but after having successful companies and making billions, giving some of these billions away. If you want to be convincing you should cite examples of billionaires not giving their billions and making our life liveable because of that.


thurken t1_iv4wcw0 wrote

Donating is generally done to organisations so it is not giving man a fish but giving a teacher and a medic the tool to help the man learn, grow, and heal.

The difference is that these organizations are driven by the usefulness to the people while a company is driven by its profits. Only in some case profits and usefulness to the people is aligned.