
tickleMyBigPoop t1_j24toqe wrote

Just use any excuse you have to ignore the fact the european tech sector basically doesn't exist when compared to the US tech sector outside of one company that makes photolithography machines, and that no one in the world cares to invest in it relative to the US tech sector.

as you post on reddit, which is hosted on AWS, which runs on servers with Intel or AMD cpus


tickleMyBigPoop t1_j24me8r wrote

Is that why it still attracts more international investment capital than the European tech market?

For all the companies that flopped or pulled an FTX/theranos there’s even more the succeeded in generating returns. Europeans won’t ever have a comparable tech sector because they lack the risk tolerance.

Just the entrepreneurial cultures are totally different where in the US if you fail then you do it again and everyone is totally cool with that. Including investors. I think Sweden is the country that’s comparable when it comes to startup risk tolerance, at least that’s from what i saw doing projects across Europe.


tickleMyBigPoop t1_j24jbqh wrote

> My 11 year old wants more than anything to be a video game programmer and stuff like this kills me.

bruh, tell him sure you can do that just got to learn C++.

Then eventually he'll turn 20 and be like "oh wait these normal tech companies offer 4x the pay and equity, lol fuck video games".

Video games outside of indie startups or companies like Epic (who make engines) dont offer the same pay. Mainly because they cant because revenue is so hit or miss and overhead costs are higher.

> union thing catches

ehhh unless our laws change to more nordic style union laws where unions are less rent seeking and more okay with efficiency improvements.....i'd say nah to a US styled union.


tickleMyBigPoop t1_j24ip5o wrote

> but also turned American Tech into a laughing stock in the past few years.

US tech still dominates even in the startup area. EU tech is still a joke.

If the US really wanted to shatter european chances of competing it would simply grant visas on demand to any european citizen with a tech degree/background.

I have many european coworkers working really hard on coming over here because they'd instantly get a 3x salary increase and a 50% reduction in taxes and that's not even talkign about equity comp.


tickleMyBigPoop t1_j24ighl wrote

> greed of the wealthy, which has massively increased the cost of living.

lol wut

Bro housing costs are because susan doesn't want the new builds to block her view. Rich people don't lobby cities to implement harsher zoning laws, that shit happened in the 1970s because white people are scared of black people living near them.


tickleMyBigPoop t1_j24i6yc wrote

> Wages are NOT growing

over the past few decades total compensation has been going up.

>Americans have no spending money.

lol what, compared to who? Americans moreso than anyone else on earth have the most spending money. Maybe the swiss have more.

>Amazon, Meta

Their layoffs have been fat trimming of non essentials. unemployment for software engineers is 2.3%

We want companies to run as lean and as efficient as possible...that's a good thing.

>You can trace our current economic issues to GOP handling of the pandemic

Not really actually. Controlling for age deaths from covid are pretty equal, with some lockdowns states doing worse that states that didn't lock down. Dems controlling the white house would have been in the same shit position.....being the president lacks the power to enforce a national lockdown.


tickleMyBigPoop t1_j24haai wrote

> Oil and coal companies

Right now the average price of petrol in germany is 6.802 USD a gallon. In the USA the average price is 3.159 USD per gallon. In a oil heavy state like texas it's 2.751 USD per gallon. US gas prices being as low as they are is purely due to domestic production in the americas and massive refinery capacity.

Tell me which price point harms poor people more. But with your logic lets just ban all oil and gas companies from operating in the US surely we'll be better off.

>hedge funds

i can see you have no idea what hedge funds actually do, hint it's in the name. Hedge funds don't hurt people, they simply hedge against risk. If you're one of the few workers with a pension and the market waters are bearish you better hope your accounts are managed by a hedge fund.


tickleMyBigPoop t1_izfohzo wrote

> I don't believe in techno-solutionnism and that climate tech is THE solution to fight climate change without changing anything to our current lifestlyes, however I am convinced at this stage that every bit will help and I am glad to see money invested in that sector while everything else seems to be crashing.

meh just implement a massive carbon tax.


tickleMyBigPoop t1_izfm9nn wrote

> Which is fine because cost of living is different,

lol plug in real income adjustment to that 55k euros and guess what it's still nowhere close to 120k usd in the US.

You post a bunch of numbers which was really a huge waste of time when you can just adjust for purchasing power parity.

Downvote more europoors


tickleMyBigPoop t1_ixqsvil wrote

> explicitly asking and telling other people to think about the company's well-being rather than the workers

It’s not the job of companies to give two shits about anyone or anything besides maximizing efficiency and shareholder value. Companies aren’t your mom and dad, they’re not a charity, they’re not the welfare state, those three things are what you want to take care of people. Companies exist to provide services and products, the more efficient they are the greater the national wealth and the higher the tax base


tickleMyBigPoop t1_ixoupdt wrote

Stock compensation is paid via share dilution aka the shareholders pay it.

But jobs aren’t a charity if a company doesn’t need someone they should be let go.

Why don’t you answer this; why do you want American firms to be inefficient? Why do you want US companies to be outcompetes by foreign firms?


tickleMyBigPoop t1_ixotw5z wrote

> misallocating capital into billionaires' super-yachts

Billionaires aka CEOs of these companies aren’t (mostly their cash compensation is usually super low) paid via the revenue streams of a company, they’re paid by the shareholders via share dilution.

What that means is the owner equity is decreasing in value (marginally, it’s priced in ages ahead of time) to pay the executives, they’re not being paid via cash flows.

Try some financial literacy courses


tickleMyBigPoop t1_ixo205k wrote


Revenue doesn’t matter only profit matters in this case net income generated by e-commerce adjusted for inflation compared to previous years. Also if those people aren’t needed why would any company be stupid enough to keep them, it’s like you want American businesses to fail so that way foreign competitors can succeed.

Efficiency makes us all better off in the long term.

> a kind employer might say we only need you through Covid when they’re hiring you

If any company had that kind of crystal ball they’d be better off playing futures markets instead of e-commerce


tickleMyBigPoop t1_ixo18hd wrote

>they’re laying off 10,000

Because they hired them during Covid lockdowns, we’re no longer locked down so they’re unnecessary given the current capacity.

Why would businesses keep people around they don’t need, that’s incredibly stupid. Jobs aren’t welfare, welfare is welfare.

We should want companies to be as efficient as possible. Why would we want to misallocate labor and capital, after all we’re competing against every other country on earth.


Much of that is due to the higher margin AWS, and they’re not doing layoffs of engineers.