
timhamlin t1_iujjkvl wrote

The founders of the U. S. Constitution eliminated religion from our govt. structure. They knew history and that religion offers only a distorted view of true morality. They knew that morality is determined BY THE PEOPLE, not by religion or a Bible. I think the ‘table’ of moral truth has 4 legs; individual experience, history, science and continual respectful dialogue.


timhamlin t1_iuaf7ze wrote

Reply to comment by 86tuning in Eli5: Infinity ♾️ by [deleted]

Another perspective on infinity is the coastline problem. If u measure a coastline you have to define the resolution of the map. If it’s in inches, rather than miles or yards it will result in a MUCH greater number for the same section of coastline. If u increase the resolution to infinity, you make the measure of the coastline infinite. There is an infinity in every minute dot.