
todareistobmore t1_jegk2sq wrote

> If it's truly that effective it should be a nationwide model

I don't think this follows at all. Whether/how well it would work outside of dense urban neighborhoods seems to be a totally separate (and possibly more difficult) question than whether/how well it works here.


todareistobmore t1_je1tty8 wrote

Yeah, this is appalling and hopefully the SC reverses it. All respect to the Lee family, but I have no idea how one would be able to disentangle their certainty of Syed's guilt vs. cope.

and tbc, I don't mean 'cope' to belittle them, it's just that they were likely assured from everybody on the state's side that Syed killed their daughter, and most people in those circumstances aren't going to spend much time second-guessing it.


todareistobmore t1_jdnl1k0 wrote

All of the color routes are generally reliable. You'll still want to plan for some delays/etc. especially at first until you figure our your office's tolerance for transit commutes.

But also: look at the JHU shuttle and Collegetown routes? Not sure where you are in Upper Fells, but getting a JHU shuttle from the hospital up to Charles Village and catching a Green or Collegetown bus from 33rd might be a better option.


todareistobmore t1_jdj3rf7 wrote

Charles probably has the least dead space of any of the streets between Station North and Mt. Vernon, but generally speaking, walking between the two neighborhoods is safe enough that I don't see the need to prioritize any particular route. Any of the N/S streets should be fine.


todareistobmore t1_jbdiegx wrote

> If it passes and a recall election occurs at some point, then the people got exactly what they wanted.

Not necessarily, you can look at CA's rules, for instance--a recall petition only requires 12% of the voters in the prior election to trigger the recall.

> It seems to me that the criticism of these ballot measures is a veiled admittance that the electorate is inherently dumb and will vote against their own self interest

Not necessarily, you can look at CA's Chesa Boudin recall election, for instance, where the appointee who took his place (and won the special election) simply neglected to disclose that she'd earned 6 figures working as a consultant working on the recall campaign itself, and promptly fired everybody involved in addressing wrongful convictions and police misconduct. But hey, on the bright side, crime rates haven't come down either, so who's to say this isn't democracy in action?


todareistobmore t1_jab5omk wrote

> Baltimore's poverty issues do not come from a lack of "jobs"

This is such a colossal straw man given that the situation in the labor market described in this article is at most two years old.

> They come from a basic skills gap.

To the extent this is true, it's best exemplified by this article quoting McKinsey about vaporware labor needs beyond the near future.


todareistobmore t1_j9vjwdu wrote

> We don't need extremes to solve this problem.

What you called for is "reforming them to where they're virtually unrecognizable from who they are now." Who's the loudest 'reform' voice that you think embraces anything resembling this view?


todareistobmore t1_j9uwf39 wrote

> but rather reforming them to where they're virtually unrecognizable from who they are now. Even if you're ideologically lazy with all the "ACAB" nonsense,

It would be far less work just to internally read ACAB as 'all cops are badly in need of reform' than to try to parse a meaningful ideological difference between your stated position and the one you're trying to dunk on.


todareistobmore t1_j7r12ov wrote

Reply to comment by yeaughourdt in dump for building materials? by hcjlsj

Huh. I've never gotten that kind of scrutiny, and pre-pandemic the reason I'd just call the 1-2 bags I'd bring in 'trash' was that the rule on debris was so arbitrary/unpredictable. And any time I've done something that would generate more than 1-2 small bin liners, I'd just call a hauler. I do wish there were some clear rule/fee structure for DIYer residents though.


todareistobmore t1_j7q9go0 wrote

> Is something off with the reporting?

Yes. The reporting says they got data on 2000 students from 23 schools, which is obviously incomplete.

But also apparently the 8th grade proficiency level in 2021 was 6.5% statewide, so the actual difference in the city numbers probably isn't bigger than you'd expect based on pre-pandemic years.


todareistobmore t1_j7q7yzn wrote

Maybe worth pointing this out for context: the state's press release about the 2022 data:

> In mathematics, students saw gains in nearly all grades as compared to the prior year’s assessment administered in Early Fall 2021. However, student outcomes have not returned to pre-pandemic levels. In middle school, 17.6% of sixth grade students were proficient in math and just 6.5% of students who took the grade 8 assessment were proficient. The percent of students proficient in Algebra I was 14.5%, below pre-pandemic results of 27% proficient in 2019.

But also, to echo myself, if anybody wants to take Sinclair's numbers seriously, they should be expected to explain why 2000 students from 23 schools is in any way representative of those schools' entire student bodies.