
tombradysballz6 t1_izd0gxk wrote

There are a couple bigger issues at play here. Minimum wage was created to protect unskilled workers, keyword unskilled. The intention was you’d be able to develop valuable skills, increasing your value to the company, which results in a pay bump because capitalism pays off value added.

When these laws were created though they didn’t plan for mega corporations like Walmart and McDonald’s (you can only add so much value at a job that can be replaced by a computer who works for free) so people get stuck making an unlivable wage because they’re either 1. Too lazy or disinterested to invest in themselves or 2. Are so behind that they need to work crazy just to keep afloat.

I’d be surprised to see major change on the federal front because ya know lobbyists so who the fuck knows, soon we may not have a middle class.