
tommyd1018 t1_j735610 wrote

Is this the first time its been cold in New Hampshire? Genuinely curious because of all the places I've lived this is the only subreddit where I've had to see 19 posts about it being cold over a weekend


tommyd1018 t1_j29422p wrote

Just wanted to say thank you for speaking up about it. I think there's alot of people who recognize this kind of thing for what it is, but are too afraid of being called a racist/sexist/whatever by the woke mob to say anything. Preferring to work with and support a certain group of people is fine, but excluding people purely based off of sex/gender/race/etc. is called the same thing whether you are white/black/gay/straight/male/female


tommyd1018 t1_j14yd60 wrote

Agree. I just moved to Manchester about 2 months ago and all my neighbors and people I've met have been quality human beings. It might just be that people on the internet, and especially reddit, tend to be dicks