
tonysansan t1_jeafj59 wrote

Two points here. First, 0 dB is the reference level of sound, in this case the threshold of hearing. This typically corresponds to a sound pressure of 0.00002 Pa, which is a very faint sound. Second, to read an audiogram, the y-axis is the softest sound heard at least 50% of the time.

So the data point at 3000 Hz of 40 dB is not a negative value. It means that a tone at 3000 Hz has to be at least 40 dB loud (about the level of a refrigerator humming) for him to hear it.

What you don’t see in a simple audiogram is that quality of life is not just about picking out tones. When the higher frequencies over the range used in speech drop out like this, it becomes harder to understand and pick out words in conversation.


tonysansan t1_jacqn01 wrote

This is a CAPTCHA. Its purpose is to make parts of a site harder to script than other targets. It’s not trying to stop all possible bots as much as the least sophisticated (and therefore most numerous) ones. Like much of cybersecurity, the point is to make things harder so that hackers look instead for easier targets. It’s a cat and mouse game between the bots and the CAPTCHAs, and companies like google making the latter have the resources to always stay a step ahead.