
tpf52 t1_j9ueoci wrote

I find it hilarious when people believe in god but also don’t believe god is omnipotent. Like why couldn’t god be dealing with the natural disasters and also causing loud noises for OP? How many problems is your god limited to dealing with at any given time in your opinion?


tpf52 t1_j9udolq wrote

Reminds me of when we were kids and used to go around with the three man water balloon launcher and lob water balloons onto the tops of friends houses late at night, always made such a satisfying boom.

I really hope I messed with one of my friends heads this much. But really we’d just wait for them to walk out the front door then try to hit them with a water balloon.

Personally I find this story a perfect example of how people use “god” to explain everything they don’t understand.