
travelcasket OP t1_je5xiaj wrote

Thank you very much, I will look into online sessions I think. You are absolutely right, it makes absolutely no sense to try and control things I simply cannot control. Most of the time, nothing bad happens, it's just my mind going places. But it affects my mood, my sleep, my daily life and I absolutely want to change those patterns. I know I can, I just don't know how. So thanks again for taking time to share your thoughts, it helped!


travelcasket OP t1_je5jwj5 wrote

Thank you for your thoughts, I appreciate it very much and will try to create new paths! It is not dark thoughts, just things that are not in my control... how high will a certain bill be, will they overcharge me, what can I do against that, should I maybe consider talking to a lawyer.. I even have discussions in my mind that are not likely to ever happen. It's exhausting. Online therapy is also not a thing in my country, therapy around here is for people with severe mental health issues like depression or severe anxiety, which I have in a very mild form, but I consider myself mostly okay. Talking to someone would be great, though.


travelcasket t1_je3xgxp wrote

I learned how to drive when I was 16 (driving is legal here at the age of 17). The basics I got in an hour (stick shift), practice makes you better. I think after maybe 3 or 4 lessons I would have been able to drive someone to a hospital. Can only speak for myself, though. If you learn to drive a car with automatic transmission, it would be much faster.