
trekhleb OP t1_ir4wr7e wrote

If you mean the "Fit to screen" zooming feature it is there (bottom right corner).

But if you're talking not only about scaling but also about re-arranging the sketch elements based on the screen size (in a classing web-app manner), then yes, it doesn't work.

This is a bit challenging to do for the free-hand drawing of absolutely-positioned and scaled elements since the app might not have enough context of how to re-arrange. I.e. there is a free-form arrow that goes from the exact word of the sentence to the exact Attachment of the Mixer (it is not clear how to redraw it from horizontal to vertical form-factor).


trekhleb OP t1_ir4w2ls wrote

I guess the illustration with the "Spoon" + "Fork" instead of the "Spoork" still works, doesn't it? I mean if you want to change the "Spoon" functionality you just change the "Spoon" but not touching the "Fork", whereas the "Spoork" is going to be changed for two different reasons: when we want to change either the "Spoon" functionality or the "Fork" one.


trekhleb OP t1_ir4ve77 wrote

Yes, that's true that going back and forth not always convenient. I was trying to find this balance between "Staying focused on one principle at a time" and "Having all info be easily accessible at glance". Probably I didn't find the perfect balance yet :D

But, there is also the extensibility aspect. With the current approach, I may add more details to each letter in the future while keeping the entry page still readable. Technically it is possible to even add more nested sub-sketches to each letter if needed


trekhleb OP t1_ir4uskq wrote

Yeah, the interactivity is pretty minimal, but it is still there in form of "Click to go deeper to the nested image with further details".

You're also right that all illustrations could be put on one page. But with the current approach, there is a possibility to add more details to the nested pages (to each S O L I D letter separately) without making the entry page bulky.
