
triceratropes t1_je8djfd wrote

I know it's a "casual" EDH tournament (imo that's an oxymoron but we can talk about that later) but the second you said everyone else started dropping their own infinite combos their saltiness was invalidated for me.

As a combo/lock player myself I understand the hate, but it's not like they were running suboptimal or pre-constucted decks. Also not to mention a single counterspell, ability counter, or draw spell targeting you loses you the game. They didn't have answers and you drew the nuts... welcome to mtg boys.

Sometimes people are just sore losers.


triceratropes t1_ivuakrl wrote

She's a BSN. So she wasn't hired as a charge nurse, at my facility all nurses share charge duties. She also didn't immediately start day one as charge, when you get hired you get at least eight weeks of training and nurses have to be OK'd by the nurse manager before they can be charge. At the time we were short two nurses so I wouldn't be surprised if they expedited her approval for charge duties.


triceratropes t1_ivsjjsc wrote

She worked med-surg for about three months before getting hired with us, not sure if she had any other patient care experience. I hate to say it but she just wasn't really cut out for nursing, she couldn't control her anxiety and had a bit of an attitude problem. She stayed with us for less than a year and left to go back to school.


triceratropes t1_ivrv3uz wrote

Years ago at the dialysis clinic I worked at we had a brand new charge nurse, fresh graduate with zero prior clinical experience, doing rounds on the patients. She gets to the last patient in the row and all of a sudden I hear her screaming bloody murder "CALL A CODE! CODE BLUE! HELP!". So everyone on the floor scrambles to grab the crash cart, hit the alarm, and call the paramedics. As I run up to the poor guy, not only is he breathing, but he's fully sat up in his chair and is yelling at the CN about waking him up from his nap. Apparently she just saw his eyes were closed and when he didn't immediately arouse from saying his name once she freaked out and thought he was dead, didn't even try a sternal rub or shake him awake. The medics arrived before we could call them off and they were much less understanding than OP's co-workers lol