
trishyco t1_ja3pu1a wrote

If you’ve decided they are a waste of time in advance then you’ll definitely be tempted to quit reading. I read 24-7. I’m one of those people that has always had a book going since I was much younger than you. I only read things that are personally interesting to me and I don’t try to convince myself that they are supposed to be educational. Interesting, yes. Informational, maybe. But at it’s core it has to be a subject that I’m invested in. And you’ll never know where you’ll pick up some new knowledge. Sometimes current events and politics are in disguised in the pages of fantasy. I also alternate genres so I have a stream of concepts and ideas coming in and I don’t get stuck.


trishyco t1_j9fg61z wrote

The short answer is: they are very angsty books with a lot of drama (domestic violence, death, missing kids, dead kids, assorted trauma) and people really like to go through all these feelings plus have a happy romantic ending.

It wasn’t my thing but it seems to get people into reading so that’s something I guess.


trishyco t1_j2j7gka wrote

Maybe come up with a ratio that makes sense to you. Like 1 regular book per 5 fan fiction or something. At the end of the day you’ll move on when you are ready and tired of them. I read a very specific genre up until my 30’s and then one day I was just over it. I was ready for new authors, new stories, new locales…


trishyco t1_ixy1drr wrote

I do this exact same thing. I have a folder for “delete”and another called “read”. The “delete” are books I have no intention of looking at again. “Read” is for books I might read again, refer back to or part of a series that I might been to check back in with. None of these are technically taking up digital space because they aren’t downloaded to the device.


trishyco t1_ixagigv wrote

I’m usually getting my books from the library or as a free digital advanced copy so the cover isn’t THAT important. I typically choose based on author or buzz. Ironically, I did pre-order Babel from the UK (I’m in the U.S) which meant I had to pay extra for shipping and the conversion rate because I appreciated the black sprayed edges on Waterstones special edition.