
trout66 t1_jaa1tbk wrote

It's not like a whole train will go "nah not feeling it tonight bruh" train schedules are basically inviolable

Worst case scenario you miss it, go up the escalator and get a greyhound, they run all night and will drop you behind horseshoe casino


trout66 t1_j341ypx wrote

Hey, I know someone else in your building dealing with this! What does your lease say? Some leases have a clause that says something like "in the event the building is sold to a new owner this lease is invalid". If there ISNT a clause that SPECIFICALLY says the lease terminates when the building is sold, the new owner is legally obligated to finish out your current lease - meaning that the eviction would be unlawful. Additionally, removing access to a parking lot provided by your lease would be illegal. I'm not a lawyer but you can post to r/legaladvice for more specific help. Baltimore has a couple tenants rights groups you can find by Google ng. But the most important thing is to READ YOUR LEASE and see what it says.


trout66 t1_ixvv35z wrote

You can find a pretty complete list of every concert in the city at the BaltShowplace tumblr or on their IG of the same name as well as a list of all the venues and their addresses. You should look at Ottobar, Metro Gallery, the Crown, Keystone Corner, Joe Squared, Zissimos, and Holy Frijoles for music. The Monument Lighting is happening in Mt Vernon Thursday night, big Mt Vernon neighborhood event. No apartment of any size has been available for only $600 for like 15 years, in that price range you're getting a small room in a rowhome with roommates.


trout66 t1_iwsal77 wrote

It's been a while for me but MOM'S, Trader Joe's and Towson Hot Bagels are all pretty good. MOM'S and THB near the Timonium light rail stop is probably a one-stop-shop.