
trucorsair t1_iyjfqw9 wrote

An extraterrestrial nature preserve? Uh, sort of like when colonizers come to a new land and the natives are rounded up and deported to “reservations” to make room for the new owners? Or are these places to concentrate the locals as in “concentration camps”? Both ideas worked out so well before, who says history doesn’t repeat itself…

Point is people seem to not want to accept that essentially this will be colonization 3.0 and saying day 1 we need to set aside areas for native species is uncomfortably close to reality repeating history


trucorsair t1_ixmiiii wrote

It’s complicated. I see what you mean but, given the example in the article, the $1.5 billion dollar building being built as an example, the money will pay workers who build it (payroll taxes), buy materials (sales taxes) and such. It is not that they are just accumulating property to defer taxes, they are spending the money that has economic value to the community.

Wow downvoted because people don’t like the answer…well look in the mirror Buck-o, they are allowed to act this way thanks to YOUR state legislature and state regulators. Ask THEM why they allow it.


trucorsair t1_ir0d9fq wrote

The title is unclear. You just spent how many words to explain a TITLE, does that not suggest it is cryptic? No one mentioned the graph itself….

Your not thinking it is cryptic does not discount that other people find it cryptic. Your opinion is equal to any others, no more-no less.

The title COULD have been “Minimum number of words needed to be learned to be able to read a book in a foreign language”. Longer, sure but also much clearer as to intent