
tsgiannis t1_jb40tzg wrote

3070 should be much much faster than Colab and you have the added bonus of working with full debugging capabilities (PyCharm/Spyder...etc)

Even my 2nd hand 3050 is much faster than Colab...but it is always helpful to have a 2nd machine...so 3070 AND Colab


tsgiannis OP t1_j4v3ysi wrote

Now that's something to discuss..

>more resource

Now this is something well known...so skip it for now

>better tuning

This is the interesting info

What exactly do you mean on this... is it right to assume that all the papers that explain the architecture lack some fine details or is it something else.


tsgiannis OP t1_j4uu9q4 wrote

Thanks for the reply and I agree with you but...

Right now I am seeing the training of my model....it simply found a converging point and it's stuck around 86%+ training accuracy and 85%+ validation accuracy ... and I have observed this behavior more than once... so I am just curious.

Anyway probably the best answer is that it doesn't get enough features and its stuck ...because its unable to make some crucial separations.


tsgiannis t1_j4c2r0d wrote

No...as I wrote take a previous year's complete data.. Let's take 2021 season..and you have gone back to 2021...you have absolutely no knowledge of the outcomes of games..

The season starts and you are all fired up to earn some money... You wait until a reasonable amount of games are played... around the 60% I reckon is a good percentage So you start training the model. You start with a base amount of cash...e.g $100 You predict for the coming 5 - 10 games...how did the model performed. , Have you made a profit or not.. again..the next 5-10 games..You play until either you run out of money or the season ends. If you run out of money..the bitter truth..back to the drawing board If the season ends.. measure your money.its around $100 - $120.. well at least you didn't lose..but it was tight $121 - $150 maybe you have something $151-$200 maybe you should give it a go > $201 lets make some money 🤑


tsgiannis t1_j3vx1lm wrote

If no matter what you get 75% accuracy then you can consider yourself a game breaker But do test the model and when I say test I don't mean on a static subset you have tested again and again. For example - haven't read the code yet - pick last year...and train your model for the 60% of the games.. lets say its 100 games and you have trained for 60.. did you managed to predict accurately the 61st,62nd....70 (lets take in batches of 10)...now the next batch..are you still carrying an accuracy over 75% ? Like you I had a model for baseball that was around 60 % accurate...but when I put it on the test it failed hard For now such a high accuracy seems a good starting point but do test