
tso t1_j9zna3x wrote

MS has banked on home piracy since the days of Gates.

Guy himself admitted somewhere that he much preferred people pirate MS software for home use vs adopt alternatives.

Because doing so allowed MS to argue that companies didn't need to train new employees in using MS products, because they were already used to them from home.


tso t1_j9vc5gz wrote

Reddit is a bit different, as it leans closer to webforums and usenet.

This in large part thanks to having little to no focus on "you", including little in the way of a user profile.

Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, etc etc etc, is all about "you". Getting your idealized self out there in image and video.


tso t1_j9vbob8 wrote

Because back then it was about pseudonymity, the old quip about "nobody knows you're a dog" etc.

Now it has become all about self marketing, brand and identity.

Everyone is trying to become some kind of internet celebrity.

Thing is that history has a long long list of the damage celebrity attention can do to a young mind.