
tuanmi t1_iy59pra wrote

> the government has no exit strategy in this.

> Giving in or not announcing further lock downs would be a sign of weakness and close to admitting mistakes at this point.

Not sure why you think that. The obvious out is to scrap the Zero Covid policy ("the people have spoken!"), and unleash the virus. If protests persist, the protesters are the most at risk and the ones disproportionately affected. The hospitals can refuse treatment.

More importantly, once people start dying from Covid, they now have a real, "legitimate" target to vent their anger—protesters against Zero Covid. The government is no longer responsible for the deaths and sufferings ("people don't want Zero Covid, and we listened"), and might even tacitly support online doxxing on the protesters to make it easier for the grieving families to get their revenge.

If you are paying attention, some of their mouthpieces are already saying Omicron is not that toxic and lockdowns are no longer necessary.