
tuna_fart t1_jefdige wrote

There’s nothing to excuse. Telling someone something personal on your own timeline is not lying by omission. Neither is lying by omission “lying” at all. You’re not entitled to all personal details of anybody you date.

He did tell her. She did make an informed decision. Why are you pretending otherwise? And where do you get off pretending you speak for “most rational people” in the first place.

If you were to say you’d never disclosed something personal to a partner at a time of your own choosing, I’d call you a liar. And if you’d say that you had, I’d say then you’d need to go back and examine your points 1 and 2 above more honestly or else admit you’re a hypocrite. Which is it?


tuna_fart t1_j6m8l6s wrote

Yeah, in my opinion, you’ve got some issues to work on. You fundamentally don’t understand male sexuality, for one thing. And are insisting on setting yourself up in opposition to terabytes and terabytes of video content. And weirdly trying to make an ideological issue out of it when it has nothing material to do with your hangup here. Porn exists. Dudes watch it. The end.

This is an advice sub. I’ve offered you my perspective. Do with it what you will. If you feel taking a stand here is going to lead you to more happiness, let him know who’s boss. I wish you good luck.


tuna_fart t1_j6lv8vg wrote

None of those things are remotely equivalent to watching porn. A better analogy would be him accusing him of emotionally cheating on him by watching a rom-com. It’s kind of a silly thing to be hurt by. It’s not related to you in any meaningful way.

Yes, dudes watch porn. No, it has no connection to their significant others. It’s purely a response to a visual stimulus. Women who genuinely have a serious issue with it are better off dealing with their own issues in therapy. Whether they admit it or not, guys are going to rub a few out now and then, and probably use porn to lubricants the process.


tuna_fart t1_iydnz5m wrote

He’s not upset because you “mentioned your feelings,”. He’s mad because he’s communicated an issue and you doubled-down and disregarded it.

That’s your prerogative, but understand he’s got his own prerogatives as well and may act accordingly.

As for the eggshells, it’s difficult to say how they come into play, given the story you’ve shared here. It doesn’t exactly sound like either of you are having issues saying what you really mean, at least.