
turbmanny t1_j0v7znu wrote

Reply to comment by Longjumping-Bet5777 in Fusion energy by [deleted]

Maybe we should leave the experimental results tell if fusion will work or not. The ITER project will research many of your points. And in general, things don't work untill we try to make them work ;)


turbmanny t1_j0unv2b wrote

Reply to comment by pete_68 in Fusion energy by [deleted]

Totally agree. We lack materials, fuel (for tritium based concepts), a high enough gain factor and... A pilot plant with a competitive price 😅


turbmanny t1_j0ulfi3 wrote

Reply to Fusion energy by [deleted]

Given that with the exploitation of fossil fuels, the industry/economy shifted from slave-based to engine-based, I can't even imagine how the future will look like! But... The NIF result is encouraging but not conclusive ;)