
turd_vinegar t1_je0t6kh wrote

Growth rate should peak and decline before population peaks. Unless there is some cataclysmic event that drives it down suddenly, like a nuclear war.

Someone could argue that there is a time interval that when tracked in nano seconds displays a sudden drop in growth rate before those hypothetical millions perished, but this is more pedantic than practical and wouldn't give much insight into how society was changing at that time.


turd_vinegar t1_isx4y9a wrote

It's true and ironic given the Sikh emblem is a throwing blade, on top of a sword, encompassed by two swords.

I know it's all symbolism, but it's objectively funny. At some point some fairly peaceful folks got together and wondered, "What's the best way to symbolize the sovereignty and strength of our people?" And some dude was like, "A sword!"

Everyone agreed this was good, but how do we represent the duality and intertwined aspects of our spirituality, faith, and resolve?

And some dude was like, "A sword facing the opposite direction!"
