
twotall88 t1_j6mrkph wrote

No, to be actually hydrated you need to consume salts that include sodium, calcium, potassium, chloride, phosphate, and magnesium. If your diet is deficient in that and all you drink is H2O/water then you will still be dehydrated while urinating a lot.

In fact, for your kidneys to function properly they need to basically be full of sodium.


twotall88 t1_j6mqr67 wrote

The motor is shot and your opener system (the whole door, tracks, drive, etc.) is likely set up wrong or has worn to the point of complete disfunction.

A garage opener doesn't shear off the drive shaft and sprocket unless the opener isn't centered on the load or the wheels/tracks are binding up. Most garage door openers just stop working like your motor currently is when they wear out.

You should reassess the entire system and just replace the opener.


twotall88 t1_j6micgp wrote

Just throwing this out there, the 350z is one of the most deadly cars on the road (specifically model years 2005-2008). Not because it's an unsafe vehicle, mind you. It's one of the most deadly cars on the road because it was, and still is, an insanely affordable sport car with enough power to allow immature and inexperienced drivers to easily exceed their driving skills and rational thought skills.

The long and short of it, a 350z is WAAAY too much car for a 17 year old male. Also, since insurance views a 17 year old that only has 1-3 years driving experience as a smooth brained dolt you will be paying through the nose even for liability because they know you'll end up driving your car through someone's front porch or crashing into 5 other cars as you fail to control the power.

Now that we are past the " you really shouldn't buy anything faster than a base model Civic", all the wage questions you have depends on where you live. It could be as low as $7.25/hr (about half the states) or it could be as high as $15.74 (Washington) and it could even depend on the city or county you are in within the state. Unskilled labor is and should be paid at a low amount fitting the work being performed.

If you want to fast track your hourly compensation, look into apprenticeships for something in the trades like road construction (~$15/hr), plumbing (~$22/hr), electrician ($23/hr), etc. Don't be surprised if you get offered less of an hourly rate than I posted, that's averaged across the USA and you'll make less at a small town company than you would in a big city.


twotall88 t1_j648isc wrote

Your explanation is actually a bit confusing. State it again with only relevant people to the relation you want to know.

This is my attempt at it: your first cousin once removed has a husband who has a brother that has a step daughter?

You have no relation to the step daughter, not even a legal one. Your relation stops at your first cousin once removed husband who is your first cousin once removed by marriage.


twotall88 t1_j645jsa wrote

>My dad has a cousin and she has a son which is my second cousin.

Your dad's cousin is actually your 1st cousin once removed.

This chart makes it really easy to follow familial relationship from your perspective:

You're only related to the not biological kid by legal ties. You could marry that step daughter without issues.


twotall88 t1_j5t0st1 wrote

Businesses are closed on Sundays to allow their workers to worship at church. The day of rest is actually the Shabbat or Sabbath and is the final day of the week, Saturday, and mirror's the creation week where God "ceased creating".

Christians generally don't follow the Shabbat as the early church father's set a precedence to worship on the first day of the week which was the day that Jesus rose from the grave.


twotall88 t1_iy34jr4 wrote

In a fight, no one cares if you're naked because the lack of clothing wont change you dropping like a sack of potatoes.

If you're not the aggressor, being naked won't stop the person trying to hurt you.

If you are the aggressor, being naked won't stop your victim from either fleeing or defending themselves.


twotall88 t1_iuhwllv wrote

It just impacts the rate they are willing to offer you until their individual cutoff that could range between 30-50% depending on your situation and the type of loan you're trying to get.

For example, to get an FHA loan with federal guidelines you have to have 31% or less DTI before the loan (front-end DTI) and 43% or less DTI after the loan (back-end DTI).

For most conventional loans the cutoff is between 45-50% depending on credit worthiness (you can go above this amount if you have really good credit, like near perfect).


twotall88 t1_iuhosmq wrote

Underwriters at banks don't care about agreements or situations, they just look at the facts of your financial situation in a very black and white manner.

You and your brother are equally liable for the $1,000 payment in whole. Your Debt-to-Income will include the entire $1,000 payment to the mortgage as well as your fiancé's $800 payment (I have to assume you're not including escrow in these numbers, you should be).

The banks will just take the total of you and your fiancé's combined monthly debt payments and divide it by the sum of both of your gross monthly income (averaged over the last two-three months as well as the last 2 years of tax returns). They also don't care if you plan to rent the houses out unless you have 2 years of rental income for the property included in your federal tax return.


twotall88 t1_iuho8jp wrote

>not necessarily the amount of your monthly payment

Debt-to-Income (DTI) is literally the ratio of total monthly payments (credit bureaus have the payment amounts) over your monthly gross income.

This would be the whole mortgage payment as both OP and brother are equally liable for the $1,000 payment.


twotall88 t1_iuheiwc wrote

>Water starts evaporating at anything above zero Celsius at sea level and 1 atmosphere of pressure

Water will sublime from solid form (ice/snow) well below zero Celsius (32°F). It just takes a sunny, dry day and the sun will give the water molecules enough energy to skip the liquid stage (sublimate). It can be considered evaporation loosely.