
typhoidtimmy t1_jefptnl wrote

Chicory drinker here on occasion

Absolutely. Needs milk or something to cut the bite. And that bite is damn big.

Edit: Now I want to try it with condensed milk. That sounds delicious.


typhoidtimmy t1_jeevcel wrote

Alright, who put the question mark on the teleprompter?

FYI this is actually a thing with some news people. I remember one saying they used to have arrows to indicate tone next to the beginning of the story (up is happy, down is serious) or color coordinations for these people and they could flip it on and off like a switch.


typhoidtimmy t1_jdyvkzi wrote

Reply to comment by ElizaPlume212 in Dolly Parton 1970s by down_bears

And honestly, I’ve known guys like him.

Perfectly happy with simplicity in his own life without interfering with hers. It’s interesting as I wouldn’t be surprised if Carl is probably her rock. Able to give her an expectation of home and a good dependable person back there she can just be herself around.

It may sound kinda like he does nothing but really think about it. He keeps her grounded, shows her it’s ok to enjoy the little things in life, reminds her that, while she is extremely talented, she is still the lady he fell in love with when they were unknown, encourages her to strive to do what she wants to do, refrains from even being in the background or commenting on her, and never tries to be anything by a devoted husband.

Overall, Carl is probably the perfect celebrity husband for her (and probably a lot of celebrity women to be honest). Hell, I don’t have a bad word to say about the guy as it seems he never impeded Dolly in any way and ‘gave her’ to the world and by that, showed us why she is a beautiful and talented songwriter, singer, lady, and legend by her own hand.

You may not be of faith….but if there is one, God bless Dolly Parton.


typhoidtimmy t1_jdlmkrw wrote

I remember reading that Donald Sutherland said that in all his years and with all his work, Oddball is the one he gets most people coming up and telling them how they are a big fans of. That dads and sons would come up and say they loved Kelly’s Heroes more than anything.

He also said a lot of armed forces guys who either knew tank teams or were part of them said it was probably one of the closest to reality character they had seen in film. They would come up and say ‘Man every guy I knew who operated tanks were really off kilter just like you in the movie. They were a weird bunch.”


typhoidtimmy t1_j47uokt wrote

‘Somewhat underrated’ is like saying King Kong was ‘somewhat of a monkey’ when it comes to Zevon.

Dude was a literal diamond in the rough that a lot of people didn’t realize or ignored. Amazingly dark and acidic lyricist, a smart assed satirist of a genius level, song producer, instrumentalist, and all around self admitted asshole with a list of problems a mile long. He was unrepentant about his wild life and bad behaviors (he did have regrets though). A truly mythic character of unique variety he is the very definition of ‘they broke the mold when they made him.’

As Warren once said “I got to be Jim Morrison a lot longer than he did.”


typhoidtimmy t1_j47q2nd wrote

Fogerty’s output was tremendous during his first tour….and probably helped break up CCR in some ways.

Supposedly, John had a thing where he kept wanting to make songs and keep on because he thought they were going to fall off the map if they weren’t producing songs. The rest of CCR wanted breaks and the ability to stretch a bit…but John kept them going.

Zaentz, being the greedy piece of shit he was, never told John it was ok to stop and smell the roses and instead fueled this fear. And because of his contract with CCR, raked in bucketloads of cash on their backs over the normal cut that was expected.

Man, if I could go back in time, I think I would have made CCR consult with a entertainment lawyer before signing anything. Or at least try get John Fogerty to not believe his paranoia of losing fans.


typhoidtimmy t1_j47nfqe wrote

The lyrics of Fortunate Son are directly related to Fogerty’s own experiences with the draft and seeing a tons of common folk going to war.

In his autobiography he explained Julie Nixon was dating David Eisenhower. You’d hear about the son of this senator or this congressman who was given deferment or choice positions in the military away from fighting.

They seemed privileged and whether they liked it or not, they were symbols in the sense that they weren’t being touched by what their parents were pushing on the rest of us.

Mind you, John Fogarty was drafted into military service in 1966. He avoided going to Vietnam by going down to the Army Reserve recruiter who signed him up immediately and dated it before the draft notice. He still served out 3 years and apparently was terrified of being drummed into actually having to go to Vietnam until he was discharged in 68.


typhoidtimmy t1_j47l0ap wrote

I am not saying the guys was an idiot for believing the Southern origins of CCR or anyone who thought that. I am simply saying the members of CCR enjoyed they were good enough to make people think they were born and bred Southern swamp rockers.

Fogarty himself said something to the effect of Since we were in the middle of the progressive psychedelic rock scene, we thought what would be the complete opposite and started playing stripped down raw rock. It resonated and the lyrics could shape around Southern standards and I liked blues like Howling Wolf and classics like Cole Porter, so I just ran with it.

When we saw how much people loved the idea, we went along because hell, we were selling records. We even named our second album Bayou Country to fuel it.

Heck, if you look at their first big hit Proud Mary, Fogarty wrote that it started as a song about a maid for rich people who basically calmly keeps their lives together by doing her job and going home. Stu Cook suggested making the maid become a person working on a Riverboat.

The point is, they liked good music, wrote good music, played good music. They found a niche and rolled with it and did very well so why fuck with it? And it tickled them they were good enough to make people think completely different origins for them.


typhoidtimmy t1_j46mxdh wrote

Dude, they never said they were. In fact, they thought it was hilarious people kept attaching this story being a bunch a bayou kids to them when they were out of Central California and the closest swamp to their home was the salt marshes outside San Francisco.


typhoidtimmy t1_j2vjg3m wrote

Radioheads Kid A is akin to David Bowie’s Low in my eyes….an album so tuned into the essence of the artists and just able to stand on its own, it is what I will compare all their other works too.

One of those albums that is the complete package for me with every song being the sum of its parts….just amazing work.

I can’t believe critics hated it at first because it was so different from Ok Computer.