
typhoidtimmy t1_is1f9n7 wrote

Why start now? Dudes been power shitting for decades without any brushback save for everyone not willing to piss on him if he was on fire….but those are simply the plebs in his eyes.

The dude seems to want everyone to find out he is (and by a lot of people, was) a monumental piece of shit and is hell bent to cement it as his legacy over being the ‘Ironman Gunslinger’ image he built with Green Bay.


typhoidtimmy t1_ir90m05 wrote

Christ, I remember being in Osaka for work and my pal dragging me to one after a bar hop and telling me to trust him. Dude wasn’t wrong, easily some of the best convenience food….whoever makes their karraage must sprinkle crack in it because I wanted nothing but it for the next week.

Japan is strange….I also remember grabbing a Big Mac combo there and marveling at two things 1) The McDonalds were like medically clean…bright smiles, cute girls working the register - different enough I was waiting for someone to hop out and start filming a commercial. 2) The combo looked like the picture. No joke, it was hot and tasty and could have been a photo to advertise for it.

My friends always gave me funny looks when I tell them to go into one if they go over there….then come back and wish we had that level over in the States.