
uhules t1_j8dsggs wrote

Aside from "We've just published X" threads (which are usually comprised of healthy praises, questions and critiques), I loathe most ML twitter discussions. They tend to have all the usual "hot take" issues from the platform, even from prominent names in the field. Not really a great place to discuss ML as a whole.


uhules t1_j6wrx63 wrote

Except DALL-E 2 also applies diffusion in latent space and Imagen performs diffusion in low-res pixel space. My initial hunch was the upscaling diffusion models, but they account for a relatively small portion of the total number of parameters and are more relevant speed-wise. The lackluster explanation is simply "SD does latent better", since you'd need to do an extensive ablation study to compare rather different architectures.


uhules t1_j47fkag wrote

I'm guessing this is unintentional, but you talk like XetHub has been a thing for a while. I even went to see what had I missed, and for what I gathered it's a startup that just emerged from it's stealth status like, five days ago (from its twitter status it's more like three weeks, but still). They'll probably opensource the core tech as a freemium like almost everything else in the current convoluted MLOps landscape.