
ulmen24 t1_jedb6cg wrote

Im not advocating for going back - I’m saying the withdrawal was horrendous, and I wish that had not happened.

I’m glad that you recognize the importance of guns for self defense.

At what point do I let it go? Probably at the point where there aren’t comments on Reddit about how it is Trumps fault that the last female library in Afghanistan has closed.


ulmen24 t1_jed6awi wrote

I don’t need to reference Trump whatsoever to shit on Biden. He defied the advice of his military personnel and got American service members and allies killed. And now millions of women are living in abject sex slavery all because…what…Biden “Had to go through” with it?

So you’re telling me if in his final days in office Trump signed a treaty with the UK. The treaty of “on may 1st all your women are now sex slaves”, that Biden would have said “ah well gee whiz. It isn’t great but we can’t go back on our word”?


ulmen24 t1_jebreft wrote

Gtfo of here. Biden felt compelled to withdraw military and leave the allies and citizens behind to make America “not look like liars” to the rest of the world? You know he pushed back the date from May 1 to August 31 right? So clearly, the President of the United States was not powerless to amend the details of the treaty. Biden sat down with George Stephanapolus and told him he would have withdrawn the troops even without Trump’s treaty.

It was either (1) an awful plan by Trump that endangered Americans and Afghan citizens and Biden shouldn’t have gone through with it, or (2) It was a fine plan and Biden went through with it and it was a success. There is no (3) “it was obviously a horrible plan by Trump but knowing this, Biden had to go along with it, less America look like…they won’t hold up their end of terrible treaties? “America needs it to be known that it keeps its word even when the other party doesn’t and when it means millions of people will be left to the predations of terrorists.”

Who do you think lied, the two generals who testified to Congress that they urged Biden to leave 2,500 troops in the country, or Biden who said he received no such advice? No one was sounding the alarm? Why do you think the Generals of the military testified that they told him to keep a satellite force there?

You’re talking to someone who prays that Trump ends up in prison before the primaries. But my God, blaming everything on him needs to stop. “The Buck stops with me” was Biden’s campaign pitch and since then it’s just been a serial blaming of the previous administration.


ulmen24 t1_jebmtld wrote

I am being downvoted in this sub because I’m not a liberal, don’t get it twisted. But ok, I’ll play. How come in the drawdown from 16k to 2.5k American soldiers and Allies weren’t dying? How come Afghans weren’t hiding on wheelwells and falling to their deaths as planes took off?

I’m not a fan of Trump - quite the opposite. But you are insane if you attribute Trump to Biden defying the requests of his generals and also evacuating military before civilians. Come on.


ulmen24 t1_jeaqptw wrote

Did the treaty include that the military would evac BEFORE the citizens and allies? Here’s a short NBC report admitting the failure . Even my rotted conservative brain knows that you keep military presence until AFTER the civilians are evacuated.

What kind of message would it send? It’s clear that the withdrawal was not successful. American citizens are still stuck there. If you’re saying that the Trump agreement was a “bad” one then the message it would send to other countries would have been “my predecessor made a bad agreement. I’m undoing it because it was bad and this is the right thing to do.”

Again, I am skeptical that Trump promised “I will hastily withdraw everyone in the span of two weeks, first withdrawing the military so that it’s near impossible to protect the only airport. Then I’ll get some service members killed and finically we’ll finish off by leaving Americans and Allies behind and we’ll get the press secretary to spin it as a historic success.”

Who is lying? Two generals testified to Congress that they advised Biden to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan. Biden said “military advisers did not tell me to keep troops on the ground past the withdrawal deadline”.


ulmen24 t1_jeaqahb wrote

The Biden administration didn’t “have” to do anything. Again, Biden had no problem upending many other things. And again, everyone knew that was going to happen - hence all of his military advisors telling him not to proceed. here is a NBC report (so you can’t scream “bias”) on the administration botching the withdrawal If you want to argue that Trump signed this agreement and therefore they were “forced” to go forward with it, fine. Was the agreement that the US would evac their military before all of the non-military citizens? Was the agreement that they would surrender all the major airports, leaving only a small one to evac thousands of people? Was the agreement that Afghan allies would fall to their deaths from hanging off wheel wells of flying planes?


ulmen24 t1_je9m4i2 wrote

He should have listened to his military advisors. He didn’t need to “send them all back in” as they hadn’t left yet. A satellite force (like we have in countries all over the world) would have been acceptable. That or maybe (if it really was such an awful contract and Biden knew the Afghan forces would fall to the Taliban) withdraw our billions of dollars worth of military equipment before we left? I’m not a military mastermind, I’m just using common sense here. Biden spent his first 100 days undoing all kinds of Trump-era shit. Then, when the shit hits the fan with this, it’s “oh it was trump era shit, my hands were tied”. Give me a break. And for the record, I am NOT a fan of orange man.


ulmen24 t1_je9jnb3 wrote

Why did the Biden admin push forward with it? With did they inform us it was going to be such an effective withdrawal? They literally informed us “it won’t be like Vietnam, you won’t see helicopter evacs off of the roof of the embassy. If it was indeed done under Joe Biden in the worst possible way. People hanging off plane wheel wells. Americans are still stuck there, btw. If it were indeed terrible and all orange man’s fault, why in the aftermath was the press secretary bragging how it was all so historic and grand? Why was the admin saying they trust the Taliban?

He “did this to create a terrible situation for Biden”..and then he spent months denying an election and trying to find a loophole to make himself president? What?
